Sarah Perkins
1992 Master of Fine Arts degree at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbondale, IL Teaching Experience
1994 –present, Professor at Missouri State University.
Selected Recent One-person Exhibitions
2016 ”Red” Spotlight show, Mobilia Gallery, Cambridge, MA
”Sarah Perkins- Enamels” Bomb Metal and Fry Jewelry Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2011 “Sarah Perkins – Enameled Containers” Metal Museum, Memphis, TN
2010 “Sarah Perkins, Enamels”, Obsidian Gallery, Tucson, AZ
2008 “Enamels by Sarah Perkins” at the Museum of Gold, Taipei, Taiwan
Selected Recent Group Exhibitions
2017 ”Alchemy” international juried show sponsored by The Enamelist Society
”Taiwanese, Korean and American enamels”, an international invitational enamel show at the National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 “Wichita National Crafts Exhibition”, national juried craft exhibition at the Wichita Art Center, Wichita, KS.
2014 ”Metalsmithing Today: The Vessel”, invitational metalsmithing exhibition at the Alden B. Dow Museum of Science and Art at the Midland Center for the Arts in Midland, MI
2013 “Shippo”, international juried enameled jewelry exhibition at the Ueno Royal Museum in Tokyo, Japan and sponsored by the Japan Shippo Conference. Image included in catalog
“CraftForms 2013”, international juried exhibition at the Wayne Art Center, Wayne, PA
“Texas National 2013”, national juried exhibition at the Steven F. Austin Gallery, Nacogdoches, TX.
2012 "CU29: Contemporary Work in Copper", national juried exhibition in conjunction with the Society of North American Goldsmiths annual conference at the Mesa Art Center, Mesa,
AZ. Image used in promotional materials. Images included in catalog.
“Where Are You Going. Where Have You Been?”juried exhibition of collaborative pieces sponsored by the Furniture Society and Maine
College of Art at the Leweis Gallery, Portland Public Library, Portland, ME
”Jewelry+Objects” national juried exhibition sponsored by the Michigan Silversmiths Guild at the Alden B. Dow Museum of Science and Art at the Midland Center, Midland, MI
Images included in catalog.
“31st Annual Contemporary Crafts Exhibition”, national juried exhibition at the Mesa Art Center, Mesa, AZ Image included in catalog
2009 ”Functional and Sculptural Teapot Exhibition”invitational and juried (invited) of contemporary teapots at the JRB at The Elms Gallery, Oklahoma City, OK
”Heirlooms of the Future”invitational show at the Mobilia Gallery display at the Sculpture, Objects and Functional Art in New York, NY
”10x10x10 Broochless” national juries exhibition of non-jewelry metal objects in conjunction with the annual conference of the Society of North American Goldsmiths at the Metal
Museum, Memphis, TN
“The Enamel Show”, curated selection of works included in the book 500 Enameled Objects at Velvet daVinci Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2006 “Reinterpreting the Vessel”, international juried exhibition held in conjunction with the Society of North American Goldsmiths conference, Perimeter Gallery, Chicago, IL
“Basket (R)evolution”, invitational contemporary basket exhibition at the Fuller Craft Museum, Brockton, MA
Selected Recent Publications
2016 Metalsmith “Exhibition in Print – Shifting Sites” images, Vol. 36 No. 5 pages 20, 21
American Craft vol. 76, no. 5 Image included in article”Enamel Re-emergent” p. 42
2015 Images and discussion of my work in Little Dreams in Glass and Metal: Enameling in America 1920 to Present by B. Jazzar and H. Nelson. Pages 194 - 197
2013 Review in Metalsmith by P. Harrison and D. Lyon of “Sarah Perkins: Enamel Vessels” show at Mobilia Gallery vol.33, no. 5, p59
Image in 21 s t Century Jewelry, The Best of the 500 Series, a juried selection from all the Lark Publications 500 Series jewelry books, page 62
2009 Image used on the Home Page of the Enamel Arts Foundation (2009 – present)
2006 Included in the book Contemporary Enameling – Art and Techniques by Lilyan Bachrach, published by Schiffer Publications. Images and text pages 85-87.
2005 Images included in The Penland Book of Jewelry:Master Classes in Jewelry Techniques by Marthe LeVan published by Lark Books pages 224, 225
2004 Included in The Art of Enameling: Techniques, Projects and Inspiration by Linda Darty published by Lark Books pages 8, 33, 44, 66-67, 80, 112
Selected Recent Awards
2015 Best of Show, Alchemy III exhibition of the Enamelist Society
2013 First Place, Objects in the “Alchemy II” exhibition sponsored by the Enamelist Society at the Carnegie Visual and Performing Arts Center, Cincinnati, OH
2011 Juror’s Award at the “Jewelry+Objects” exhibition at the Midland Museum of Art and Science, Midland, MI
2009 “Creative Contribution Award”, a lifetime achievement award for contributions to the field of enameling from the Enamelist Society
Selected Public Collections
Decorative Arts Collection, Brooklyn Museum of Art, Brooklyn, NY
Boston Museum of Fine Art (Collaborative cabinet with Charles Radtke)
The Enamel Arts Foundation, Long Beach, CA
Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, WI (Collaboration “One of One” with Charles Radtke)
Springfield Art Museum, Springfield, MO
Long Beach Art Museum, Long Beach, CA.
National Ornamental Metals Museum, Memphis, TN.
Selected Other Recent Experience
2016 Artist in Residence, enameling studio, Sanskriti Foundation, New Delhi, India
2013 Juror for the “Topeka Competition” a national juried crafts exhibition at the Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library’s Alice Sabatini Gallery.
2008 Juror of work for 500 Enamel Objects a Lark Books publication.
Visiting Artist in Residence, Tainan National University of the Arts, Tainan, Taiwan
2006 Curator for the show “Material and Space, An Exhibition of Contemporary Metal Work” which opened at the Missouri State University Art and Design Gallery, then traveled
to the National Ornamental Metal Museum, the Ohio Craft Museum and the Kentucky School of Craft. This exhibition was reviewed in Metalsmith magazine in late 2007
Collaborative piece “Silver Leaf Cabinet” made with furniture maker Charles Radtke was designated “Object of the Month” at the Milwaukee Art Museum.